Thanks for speaking to us, Carly. First of all, why did you decide to study your Master's in Marketing online?
I have a full-time job and my time is quite limited when it comes to watching lectures. So, for me it was ideal to have an online course which would allow me to study more freely and to identify which times I wanted to watch lessons and work at my own pace, rather than be forced to abide by a regular structured lecture.
How would you describe your online experience?
It was very interesting, definitely. Of course it was my first time doing an online course, however it was definitely very user-friendly, so the videos were very interactive. You could also review the videos at your own time, take your notes, stop and review it. So that was very interesting. The tutors were also very accessible when you needed them. Even though they were online you could still access and send them emails and they would get back to you within a short period of time. That was also very, very important for me.
How do you organise your day and manage your time?
For me, of course, the day starts with work and I work quite late hours, so after work I just go home and watch a lecture here and there, and then I used to focus a lot of my time during the weekend for example. The weekends were university days, so I would sit down with my laptop and watch any lectures which I had not previously had time to watch, do my research, read some papers, and of course then work on assignments, dissertations, and write proposals. So, it was mainly working after work, trying to balance both.