Advertising through the Christmas season typically means putting a festive spin on a brand’s usual message. Whilst some prepare and launch a new Christmas message with each year that passes, others roll out the same trusted footage which has fared them well (perhaps with a slight refresh).
Some of our favourites opt for a whimsical or inventive way to feature their product, whilst others attempt to tug at the heartstrings. Do you have a favourite of your own? Let us know!
5. Yellow Pages, 1992: “Mistletoe”
The narrative here cunningly plays on the comprehensiveness of the Yellow Pages - it’s thickness allows a shorter young boy to reach for his Christmas kiss.
4. Irn Bru, 2006: “Snowman”
Using mostly the same animated content - with a few key inclusions of the drink brand - this renowned magical adventure gets updated with a few twists.
3. The Spanish Lottery, 2017: “Danielle”
Whilst shorter broadcast versions exist, this Spanish mention clocks in at 20-minutes, and was directed by Oscar-winner Alejandro Amenabar. Promoting Spain’s Christmas lottery, an extraterrestrial guest experiences her first Feliz Navidad.
2. Sainsbury’s World War One, 2014: “Christmas is for sharing”
Portraying the historic Christmas football match between enemy forces in No Man’s Land, Sainsbury’s emotional centenary ad reminds us of the real meaning of Christmas.
1. Coca-Cola, 1995: “Christmas Trucks”
Created by agency W.B. Doner, the coke-carriers were made even more enchanting by Industrial Light and Magic, the company behind ‘Star Wars’, and have become a festive favourite to usher in the holiday every year with their popular jingle, ‘Holidays are coming’.