With our research revealing that two thirds of employers think job hopping is actually good for your career, and with 82% saying they would hire someone who switched jobs in the last six months, it would appear that the negative stigma attached to changing jobs is a thing of the past.
With this in mind we’ve compiled a list of five top tips to help you if you are planning a change in career.
1. Have a solid a reason for why you want to switch things up
Don't appear to be changing career paths on a whim. Be prepared to answer the inevitable question about why you are wanting a change and what you can offer. Here, be sure to explain why your different skillset and experience can help the potential employer and the role you are applying to.
2. Big up your different skillset
Rather than focussing on the skills that you don’t have, concentrate on the skills you do have. The employer might not have asked for them on the job advert, but if you can explain why your skills will be beneficial for the role, you’ll stand out.
Daniel Rowles, founder and CEO of Target Internet, explains: "The fresh perspective of someone from a totally different industry often provides a greater benefit than the relevant skills of someone who's done the advertised role before.”
3. Network
Make sure you are networking and meeting people in your chosen field. See if there are networking events coming up and follow the relevant people on LinkedIn. Sometimes with jobs it is not what you know it’s who you know. So whether it’s a tip off for a job opening allowing you to get in there early or a good word about you to the right person, making connections can never be a bad thing.
4. Make social media work for you
Before applying for jobs, make sure your social media profiles are showing you off in the best possible light. Make sure you carefully monitor what you are posting and what others are sharing with you. It might also be worth going back through past statuses and pictures and removing any that could be seen as negative or inappropriate.
5. Do your research
Familiarise yourself with trends and recent news in your chosen industry, as well as commonly asked interview questions for the role so that you’re not caught out when you begin meeting potential employers. Brush up your knowledge on the company's background and if at all possible,meet someone who works at the company for coffee beforehand, to get all the insider knowledge.
Looking to make a career change in 2018? Find out more about a career in law & criminology, fashion & media, business &management, marketing & communications, accounting & finance.
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